Testing Concrete Crack Widths
Reinforced concrete in all types of construction has one element in common across the board and that is the certainty that there will be...

NDE & NDT Technologies Advance Infrastructure Inspections
Non Destructive Testing NDT or Non Destructive Evaluations (NDE) are best known in the medical industry with gains in the medical...

What is Non Destructive Testing
Non destructive testing (NDT), Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) encompass a testing process whereby various materials, components or...

What is Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-destructive geophysical method that produces a continuous cross-sectional profile or record of...

New technology from IPC utilizes non destructive testing to help identify Issues in our nations infr
An electrical device developed by Infrastructure Preservation Corporation can test metal and concrete structures for potential problems...

Tens of thousands of US bridges are literally falling apart
Tens of thousands of US bridges are literally falling apart Jeff Rossen and Jovanna Billington NBC Today Show Last September, Mike...

The Advancement Of Bridge Crack Detection Technology
Bridge crack detection utilizing nondestructive testing methods to date has been an unrealized and an unrealistic way to manage concrete...

New Invention will change the way bridges are inspected worldwide
TendonScanâ„¢ is the first of its kind equipment to locate air, water and corrosion within bridge and highway Tendons. The tendons or post...
Over 65,000 Bridges in the US Deemed structurally deficient
An Associated Press analysis of over 600,000 bridges in the federal National Bridge Inventory showed that over 65,600 were classified as...

America's Infrastructure an embarrasment
According to an MIT faculty newswletter "Most of our road, rail, water, sewer, electric power, wired telephone, and other distributed...