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America's Infrastructure an embarrasment

According to an MIT faculty newswletter "Most of our road, rail, water, sewer, electric power, wired telephone, and other distributed systems infrastructure are old and in need of repair. Our ports, airports, and rail terminals are archaic, ill designed, badly run, and poorly maintained."

The enclosed article is interesting in that is fully explains how the lack of engineering students and advances by our engineering firms is causing the US to be excluded from even bidding on international infrastructure projects. Internationally infrastructure is the lifeblood of a nations economy and if we do not up our game it will have a major impact on our own infrastructure as well as gravely affect the US economy.

Read the full article here.

IPC is an advanced Nondestructive Testing Company with patented proprietary testing systems for worldwide infrastuctures that evaluates concrete and steel structures producing Condition Assessments Reports. Take a look at the latest innovations that can help the US and international companies extend the life of their infrastructures, save money and protect their public.

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