Tens of thousands of US bridges are literally falling apart
Tens of thousands of US bridges are literally falling apart Jeff Rossen and Jovanna Billington
NBC Today Show
Last September, Mike Peterson was driving airport shuttle passengers in Salt Lake City as he has been doing for about 20 years when a large chunk of concrete fell from the overpass he was driving under onto his car, crushing its hood.
The government is spending billions of dollars to fix these bridges, but analysts say the problem is so bad that at the present pace, it will take 21 years to fix every bridge.

Jeff Rossen points to decay in support of the Arlington Memorial Bridge in Washington, D.C.
Today NBC
Infrastructure Preservation Corporation (IPC) is a nondestructive testing company that utilizes advanced nondestructive testing and robotic technology to produce condition assessment reports in order to determine deterioration of todays infrastructure. IPC proprietary assessment reports can detect issues before they become a danger to the publc. Budgets and repairs can be made in a timely manner, keeping our infrastructure safe and budgets intact. For more information visit http://www.infrastructurepc.com.
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To find out which bridges in your neighborhood are structurally deficient, you can consult a full state-by-state list here. (Note: Due to volume, the site may take some time to load.)