Post Tension Tendon Inspections Help Prevent Bridge Disasters
Post tension tendons that hold up our nations bridges have never been properly inspected. IPC can help

Proper Post Tension Tendon Inspections Help Prevent Bridge Disasters
Since its initial development, the use of post-tensioned reinforcement has been used to construct concrete structures so that concrete...

Impact of Deterioration Of Post Tensioned Tendons In Bridges
An October 2016 report by the FDOT stated “Recent corrosion failures of post-tensioned (PT) tendons in the Ringling Causeway Bridge...

Bridges Supported By Post Tension Tendons Are Made Safer With Robotic Inspections
What is a post tension tendon? “Post tensioning is a technique for reinforcing concrete. Post-tensioning tendons, which are pre-stressing...

Robotic Assessment Of Post Tension Cables Help Preserve Our Nations Bridges
It is commonly accepted that our infrastructure is rapidly aging and has not been maintained properly over the fifty years or so. With...